Eagles Landing: Clinic of the Year for 2013


Eagles Landing Veterinary Hospital SpayGeorgia Clinic of the Year for 2013 

Pictured are Dr. Alice Martin and Dr. Jennifer Monroe.  They join owners Dr. Joey Fraser, and Clinic Director Will Fraser, and Office Manager Cheryl Williams at Eagles Landing Veterinary Hospital, our clinic of the year 2013. Eagles Landing in McDonough has participated the SpayGeorgia program for the past several years, and we are so honored and grateful to work with them.

The doctors and staff are very happy to work with us and plan to participate in the program for a long time.   They are surprised how many people would not spay/neuter their pets without a low cost service. They know that there are very few low cost options in their area (Henry County) so SpayGeorgia and their participation is very important.

Many thanks to this very dedicated and generous clinic!!

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Request a certificate information Packet

SpayGeorgia’s low-cost spay/neuter certificate covers the cost of routine spay/neuter surgery, including preparation for surgery, anesthesia, the spay/neuter procedure, routine hospitalization as required, and removal of stitches if necessary.